Little Transformers

The month of October is so special because we successfully started our Children Club in the village for our children. We prayerfully named the club as “Little Transformers”. Presently, we have 29 registered kids attending the program; where two volunteers are helping us in teaching and reaching them with the Gospel. Presently, we have started it in a small space (living room of a believer). The children come regularly to the project, where our volunteers help them in their studies and also help them learn a skill. We are praying for regular financial support to hire a bigger space for the project. We have identified a space and it is presently under construction. The land owner is building it slowly because of lack of funds. We are praying he will finish it fast and we could occupy the space by this New Year. The project also needs White Board, Table, Chair, Drinking Water Facility, Mats, and all other essential needs. The Lord has brought us thus far; we strongly belie...