Restart - Life & Project

The year 2020 was a year of setbacks, struggles and slow paced because of the pandemic. In the month of March 2020, after securing our children with an awareness program on Covid- 19, we closed our Little Transformers Club project as the state shut the doors of every institution and public gatherings. The past seven months were a time of great grief and struggle for all the families in the village. “Most of our LTC children’s parents work in the towns as laborers, as the businesses closed, they returned home without work and the family struggled for their daily existence”. With the help of God and kind support of our family and friends, we were able to continuously help them with dry rations until they got back on their feet. The seven months were challenging but we were able to experience the reality of God’s love, power and wisdom in our lives. We realize every second given by God is a precious gift. The promises of God added our little walls of faith into a fortre...