Letting go & Looking ahead

This year has been a wait – undefined, unexpected and unending. Everyday was a lock down in heart, life and mission. It was challenge in all aspects of life; losing close family & friends to the pandemic was the most disturbing days we ever went through. However in this season of Christmas, we realize the importance of “Letting it go & continue looking ahead”. A season of double blessing and promising future. This year, we gathered together and decided not conduct or organize any Christmas program for the children due to pandemic. It was the most difficult decision we ever made but our hearts were longing to bless our children. Whenever we met the children, they were asking when the program will be and it was very difficult for us to explain the situation. As the days passed by, a strong message was riding in our hearts to rethink and plan for the Christmas program for our Little Transformers Children. We re-decided to conduct the program and planned to raise Rs...