The Power of Now - The Present

Each day is a present, we as a family is enjoying the walk with the Lord. Life is challenging; however we know the trails we create through the treacherous mountain would one day become a pathway for someone to reach God. We have always believed; that whatever good or bad may come our way the Lord is there to make it meaningful and transform it into something valuable. We thank you for standing with us in prayers. We sense your prayer support each day of our lives. We know nothing can stop us in achieving our dreams. Month of September was time of both ups and down; we both were sick for few days and our laptop fell from the table shattering into pieces. Hanni was voluntarily helping an organization in filing their accounts the whole work was lost due to the crash. We both were totally discouraged but the Lord helped us to redo the work together within a week and submit back in time. It was a miracle because it was three months work (one year accounts) completed within...