Do What You Love - Follow Your Heart

Youth Gathering Month of January turned out to be a month of praying, reviewing (both for personal and ministry) , preparing, planning, regrouping, serving and meeting for the way we should go about this year. We realized when you fall in love with something, you don’t feel it like a work rather you it becomes a driving force within. When we follow our heart (with God in it) , things happen automatically and we tend to produce the best (our thoughts, vision & mission). On the other hand, following your heart will help you to work natural and exciting to do. We can feel the energy flowing within and if someone motivates us it becomes an added bonus for us. Thank you all for being our extra bonus. Mission Updates – JANUARY 2019 Volunteers Meeting in Jan 2019 Sunday School Ministry: Our ministry with children is going great. Every Sunday, we both with few volunteers travel over 12 kms to remote villages to teach them Bible Stories, Action Songs,...