Little Moments - Big Memories

Month of March for us was exciting; loads of preparation and new path opened in our mission journey. Thank you all of you for standing with us in prayers; God is showing us the right path to move forward in our ministry. Life changing Moment: We are in a School teaching social awareness to children on Abuse We met a girl who just recently completed her twelfth standard; she scored 92% in her board exams. She was a medical aspirant, but now she is working as a daily wager in a factory. Her parents and siblings are struggling to make the family ends meet. She could not pursue her dream because of three reasons – Poverty, NEET and English Language. As we spoke to her about it, we were able to understand it is mainly because of NEET ( An exam that everyone has to appear to be eligible for Medical seats, conducted by central government and that varies from state board educational syllabus). The books for NEET exams are all published in English, hence it is difficult fo...