Hearts Knit Together

In the month of April, God is teaching us something unique and powerful. He is asking us to form a team to work together for the vision; the only criteria is “our hearts are being knitted together as one in unity, love and service” that will help us to walk the journey together. We kindly ask each one of you to lead us in support of prayer and blessings; we believe the Lord will bring the right people at the right time. Month of reaching out youths and children: Month of April is a month of Exams, Vacations and Outreach Events. All the churches and mission organizations organize programs for children and youths during this month. Pre-Exam Counselling Sessions: Major problems every single students (Urban and Rural) face during exams is Stress. It affects largely students from rural background because very less counselling sessions is organized for these children. The Lord is good; this year we were able to counsel children and teens appearing for their board/fin...