Beyond the Obvious: Time to Reach Out

God is good all the time and he taught to believe beyond (future) the obvious (What we presently experience or see). He is been walking along with us and helping us through various godly individuals to look through the ministry with new ideas and inspirations. There are many ways to generate new inputs but we are learning to ask the right kinds of questions to the right (godly) individuals that can lead us to a real discovery and understanding in mission. For both of us, the month of May was a time of great exposure and learning; participating in Children Camps, Retreats and organizing various events for children during this vacations in southern India. Each and every second spent with the children taught us to be more humble and energized us to strive more in reaching out the lost for His kingdom. Camp Precious 2019: Bangalore, India In the year 2018, we were part of the TBRI training module and were certified as Nurturers for children who st...