Our Christmas Story

Through this blog, we love to wish all our family, friends, prayer partners and supporters; our heartfelt wishes “Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2020”. May this year bring joy, peace and abounding providence to all. We love you and thank you wholeheartedly for journeying with us in this mission journey. Christmas Celebration (Walking through Miracles): We walked through miracles each and every day in the month of December. The Lord is good and he brought right people in our lives to help about 75 children in and through our Little Transformers Club. Christmas Dance It was our first Chr istmas Celebration under Little Transformers Children Club. The plan was to conduct Christmas Program in the village by bringing in all the villagers and sharing the Good News through Christmas programs performed by their own children. The children were excited to perform dance, sing Christmas songs, skits, read scripture and also receive gifts. Excited kids with their Gifts...