Light at the end of the Tunnel

The month of March started normally as any other month but due to the rise of the Covid cases led to shut down for all the ministry activities. Covid-19 pandemic has brought the entire nation to a halt. “Stay Home & Stay Safe” is what we have been hearing and following for past 15 days. We are under lock down and presently going through a high rate of Covid Cases rising up in the country. Last month blog I wrote about “ we realizing all of life’s daily challenges are a new opportunity to see His hand over our lives. Most of us fail to see how God wants to use problems for good in our lives. We react quickly and foolishly rather than pausing to consider what benefit they might bring. Throughout the month, we remembered God is with us and he has not forgotten us” . As this month, we experienced His faithfulness in each and every step of our lives and ministry. It is important, we stay safe, stay informed and stay indoors but it is also our duty to inform people a...